When it’s time to renew your Good Business Charter accreditation, we strive to make the process straightforward and transparent. This page will provide an overview of what to expect, including the renewal timeline, application details, communication process and invoicing. Our team is here to support you every step of the way, ensuring your continued commitment to good business practices.
When your renewal is due for your Good Business Charter accreditation, here’s what you can expect:
Renewal due and deadline
When your renewal is due, you will receive an email reminder three months before your renewal date (for large organisations). One month before you will receive another email reminder with access to the dashboard to complete your application, you can also login here.
The deadline for your renewal submission is the same date as your original accreditation; so if you accredited on 15 February 2023 you will need to submit a renewal application each year before this date in order to maintain continuous GBC accreditation.
Renewal questions
All the renewal questions are the same as those you will have answered for your initial accreditation, with the addition of:
- Sharing a link to where you are currently displaying the GBC logo on your website.
- Telling us how you have communicated your accreditation to your colleagues and stakeholders.
You can access the spreadsheet of the renewal questions for organisations with 51+ employees here to support you in gathering updates from colleagues in advance. For organisations with 50 or less employees, you can view the questions you will get asked here.
Once you have completed your renewal questions and provided your updates, don’t forget to click submit on the form in order to alert the team that you have completed your renewal application.
If you have any questions on the renewal questions or need further assistance, please email accreditations@goodbusinesscharter.com and a member of our team will be in touch.
Once you have submitted your renewal application, here’s what you can expect:
If you are unable to complete your renewal submission by the deadline for any reason, please email accreditations@goodbusinesscharter.com to speak to a member of the team. Failure to renew on time may lead to additional costs.
Your renewal application will be processed within 14 working days (typically sooner), as our team undertake the appropriate background checks.
Once processed, you’ll receive an email from our team. We will either request additional details or confirm that your renewal application has been approved, subject to prompt payment of your invoice.
Upon approval, an invoice will be sent to your nominated billing email via QuickBooks and this must be paid within 30 days, in accordance with our Prompt Payment to Suppliers component. Note for renewal you do not pay a sign-up fee, just your annual accreditation fee – you can view our costs here. If a purchase order is required, please email it to accreditations@goodbusinesscharter.com.
Upon your successful reaccreditation
If successful on your accreditation renewal, a confirmation email will be sent to you which will include a range of helpful resources to help you make the most of your accreditation. Your Good Business Charter certificate will also be available to download from the dashboard for you to print off and display with pride!

Further questions
If you have any further questions, please email accreditation@goodbusinesscharter.com and a member of our team will be in touch.