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Share your views

Share your views

We welcome feedback on our accredited organisations. If you have positive experiences or good news stories to share, we’d be delighted if you could let us know via the feedback form below. However, if you have a concern about one of our accredited organisations, then you are also in the right place.

Below we set out when it would be appropriate to contact us and what we are able to do, as well as what information we would need from you.

Please read all the guidelines fully before submitting your concern.

Share your views

   Share your views

We welcome feedback on our accredited organisations. If you have positive experiences or good news stories to share, we’d be delighted if you could let us know via the feedback form below. However, if you have a concern about one of our accredited organisations, then you are also in the right place. 

Below we set out when it would be appropriate to contact us and what we are able to do, as well as what information we would need from you.

Please read all the guidelines fully before submitting your concern.

The nature of your concern

GBC accredited organisations are committed to all 10 of our components. If you have evidence that a particular member is not meeting a component, then we want to hear from you using the form below. This is especially true if you are an employee, subcontractor or supplier.

We would encourage you to provide your name and a way to contact you.  We agree to keep this confidential unless you agree otherwise during the investigation.  This makes it easier to investigate, especially if we need more information, and enables us to let you know the outcome.

What we can do

With the information you supply we aim to undertake an investigation within 20 working days of the receipt of the report. If we consider that an organisation is not meeting its commitments to the GBC, we will remove them from our membership and ask them to stop using our logo.

We will inform you of the outcome of our investigation.

What we cannot do

With regard to customer complaints, we are not in a position to get involved in a dispute between you and a member. Our customer component focuses on a published commitment to the customer and that in larger organisations customer feedback is collated and reported on to a senior level. Even the best organisations will be involved in legitimate disputes with customers and it is not our place to get involved in these.

With regard to employee complaints, we are not able to get involved in individual disputes, but rather explore an organisation’s employment practices.  Information that relates to how an employer is treating their employees is really helpful for us in this process, to ask the right questions with regard to their accreditation.

We are unable to fully investigate an issue without proper evidence.

Why it matters

The Good Business Charter recognises that it is reliant on organisations being honest in their self-certification and we do place confidence in the role of employees and other stakeholders alerting us where this is not the case. Using this form would be the best way to do this in the first instance.

Feedback form